Leden van PVC INFO:
PVC info maakt deel uit van een internationaal netwerk. Hieronder vindt u belangrijke partners die deel uitmaken van dit netwerk:
PVC Netwerk Europa
- Denemarken: PVC Information Council
- Duitsland: AGPU (Arbeitsgemeinschaft PVC und Umwelt)
- Engeland: British Plastics Federation
- Italië: Centro di Informazione sul PVC
- Nederland: Stuurgroep PVC
- Oostenrijk: API Umweltberatung
- Zwitserland: PVCH
PVC Netwerk wereldwijd
- Australië: Vinyl Council Australia
- Brazilië: Brasilian PVC Forum
- Canada: Canadian Plastics Industry Association
- VS: The Vinyl Institute (VI)
Informatie over Chloor
- Belgochlor
- Chlorine Chemistry Council (CCC), USA
- Canadian Chlorine Coordinating Committee (C4)
- Euro Chlor
- Federchimica Assobase
- International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
- World Chlorine Council (WCC)
- Association for Cities and Regions for Recycling (ACRR)
- KURIO-recycling
- RecyTrade : the global marketplace for the recycling of all plastics
- Roofcollect
Chemie/Kunststof informatie
- British Plastics Federation (BPF), UK
- European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
- European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates (ECPI)
- European Plastics Converters
- European Single Ply Waterproofing membranes
- Plastics & Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA), Australia
- The European Plastics Pipe and Fittings Association (TEPPFA)
- HELCOM – Helsinki Commission
- IFCS – Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
- United Nations
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE)
- UN-ECE Chemical Industry Pages
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
- WHO – World Health Organisation
- WTO – World Trade Organisation